The school operates an extensive range of support services for pupils who need extra support in learning or behaviour. Usually the school will inform parents about their child’s inclusion in any special programme. Parents who would like to discuss their child’s participation in a programme should in the first instance contact either the classroom teacher or the Senco and Senior Leader for the appropriate area of the school.
Dental Nurses
- attend the clinic approximately six months every year. A contact phone number can be obtained from the school office at other times.
Special Education (Ministry of Education)
- teachers and psychologists who provide support for the severest behavioural problems. Health Camp referrals are made by the Public Health Nurses so a wide range of problems can be addressed.
Hearing and Vision Testers
- test all year one pupils and pupils who have had concerns in the past.
High health needs
- Extra support is available for students identified by special education as having high health needs.
Individual Education Plans
- teachers, parents and specialists work together to devise education plans for children with special needs.
Occupational Therapists
- follow through on students identified at pre school or other agencies as having moderate physical needs.
Ongoing Resource Scheme
- funding is provided by Special Education to provide teacher aide and equipment support for children who will have ongoing needs.
- developing children’s social skills
- sourced from the ministry of education special needs department on the RTLBs’ or SENCO’S recommendations.
Public Health Nurse
- is based at the school and carries out rheumatic fever checks.
Resource Teachers for the Visually Impaired
- children would usually be referred after being identified by the Hearing and Vision Testers.
Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour
- specialist teachers work with children at school to enhance their learning and behaviour in a wide number of areas.
Speech Language Therapist
- Referrals made from school.
Strengthening Families
- a division of CYFS who will help families. (the school can help families get in contact with a wide variety of other agencies working in the same area.
SWIS Worker
- A Social Worker in Schools, who works with families who need extra help Papatoetoe North Primary School
Truancy Agencies
- by law all children enrolled at school must attend. Absences are a key factor in the development of delayed learning.
- is a specialist reading, writing, spelling and language programme.
Early Intervention
- usually initiated by the pre-school and active in the child’s transition to school. (Special Education).
Literacy Intervention
- a school wide small group programme to help children who need extra support in learning to write or read.
Numeracy Intervention
- school wide groups where number knowledge and maths strategies are taught in depth.
Oracy Intervention-Patch Play
- a small group and in-class programme to help children who come to school with a limited oral vocabulary.
Perceptual Motor Programme
- children are given experiences in seeing, hearing and touching, and therefore develop their ability to make perceptual judgments.
Reading Recovery
- a national and world renowned reading and writing intervention. The school employs four teachers to work with six year old children who need extra support to make a successful start in learning to read. Children who have been on this programme are then monitored during the remainder of their time at North to ensure their progress is maintained.
Resource Teacher of Reading
- pupils are referred if they have not made significant progress while attending the school’s intervention programmes.
Rainbow Reading
- a programme that helps year 3 to 6 school pupils learn to read.
English as a Second Language
- Classes to develop children’s English oral language and literacy skills.